Topic -
Rise of the Machines
Rise of the Machines:
Intelligent Robots and Space Exploration
presented by Dr. Richard Terrile,
JPL Mars Scout Program Scientist
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Audio Visual Services at 818.354.6170.
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Thursday, November 21
The von Kármán Auditorium at JPL
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA
Friday, November 22
The Vosloh Forum at Pasadena City College
1570 East Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA
Both lectures begin at 7 p.m.
Admission is free. Seating is limited.
For more information, call (818) 354-0112.
This presentation will give an overview of the current and future plans for exploring our solar system with robotic spacecraft. Recent discoveries of alien oceans on the ice and fire worlds of Jupiter's moons have pushed us to develop more complex and intelligent machines. Future systems will have to adapt and evolve to meet unknown or unexpected conditions. We will examine how close we are to the dream of matching human intelligence in a machine and how these systems will be employed to explore the solar system. The science and science fiction of computer intelligence will be explored by comparing our technological and scientific expectations with the popular visions from science fiction books and movies.