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Space Technology 6: Testing Tomorrow's Technology Today!
Overview About ST6 Technology Benefits Education Quick Facts Partners


NMP   |   Project EPO


Space Technology 6 (ST6) has specific educational materials and activities for each of its technology modules. Each module will coordinate with New Millennium Program (NMP) outreach activities.

The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment (Sciencecraft) will provide articles, geared for general audiences, on technology development and operation as the ST6 mission progresses. Additionally, internship opportunities on Sciencecraft technology development will be offered to students at the University of Arizona, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and other universities. Once launched, synthetic aperture radar imagery from Sciencecraft of active volcanoes and flood regions in the midwestern United States will be provided to the press and other media. And, a CD-ROM of the Sciencecraft validation results will be available following the test phase.

The Inertial Stellar Compass (Compass) near-real-time video, which explains modern space attitude control data, will be available for presentation at educational seminars as the project progresses. A short documentary movie, explaining how spacecraft components are built and tested, will also be available to students at junior high school and above levels.

Currently, the following articles (downloadable PDFs), with activities, are featured on NMP's The Space Place Teachers' Corner:

These articles were developed for publication in the International Technology Educator's Association's The Technology Teacher. Check this site often for additional ST6 outreach activities.



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