Slice of History | December 1, 2020
Holidays at JPL
The holiday season has always been a jolly time at JPL. Starting as early as 1944, we see comical advertisements for the annual GALCIT Christmas Party. This edition of JPL’s first employee periodical, The GALCIT Ear, called for nominations for ‘a bigger and better Santa Claus,’ preferably of those on Lab ‘who bear a marked physical resemblance to the real thing.’ To this day, JPL commemorates the holidays with mementos and spirited cards from the Director.
The JPL Archives wishes you a safe and happy holiday season!
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Earth Right Now | November 22, 2016
This Thanksgiving, let's be thankful for planet Earth
Sigh. Sometimes life feels heavy.
Even as the holidays approach and we’re all supposed to be in a holiday spirit, supposed to be joyous. Sometimes we’re just not there.
But, as always, NASA gives me the opportunity to look at Earth from the highest perspective. From above, the world appears remote and untouched. There’s nothing but the timeless, immaculate and infinite beauty of our planet.
Together, you and I get to take this opportunity to share thankfulness for our Earth and everything pristine and beautiful about it.
Thank you for reading. I really mean it.