Try piecing together your own rocket design using triangles, squares and rectangles! Then, see what other designs you can build with these geometric shapes.
- Plain paper OR a copy of the tangram rocket with interior lines drawn – Download PDF
- Plain paper OR a copy of the tangram rocket without interior lines drawn – Download PDF
- Crayons, colored pencils OR markers
- Scissors
Project Steps
Step 1: Look at the shape of rockets
Step 1: Look at the shape of rockets
NASA uses rockets to take astronauts, satellites, rovers and landers to space. Rockets usually have a pointed "nose cone" at the top, a long slim body and fins at the bottom.
About the image: A rocket flies into the sky above Bragg Farms in Toney, Alabama, as part of the 2019 Student Launch Initiative. Image credit: NASA | › Full image and caption
Step 2: Print or draw your rocket and shapes
Step 2: Print or draw your rocket and shapes
Print out both rocket templates – the one with interior lines and the one without them. You can also draw or trace (by holding the paper up to a computer screen) the rocket templates and shapes on plain pieces of paper.
Step 7: Get creative
Step 7: Get creative
Can you build more designs using these shapes? Look at these pictures of spacecraft, rovers and landers, and try to recreate them with shapes. What else can you build?
About the image: This artist's concept shows the InSight lander on Mars. InSight arrived on the Red Planet in November 2018, when it began its mission to study the deep interior of Mars. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | › Full image and caption
Lesson Last Updated: Sept. 25, 2024