Lesson .
.Tubular Tally: A ‘Pi in the Sky’ Math Challenge
The "Pi in the Sky" math challenge gives students a chance to take part in recent discoveries and upcoming celestial events, all while using math and pi just like NASA scientists and engineers. In this problem from the 10th set, students use pi to determine the volume of a rock core collected by the Perseverance Mars rover.
- Pi in the Sky 10: Tubular Tally worksheet – download PDF (for best results, download and print from Adobe Reader)
- Pi in the Sky 10: Tubular Tally answer key – download PDF (also available as a text-only doc)
Tubular Tally
NASA’s Mars rover, Perseverance, was designed to collect rock samples that will eventually be brought to Earth by a future mission. Sending objects from Mars to Earth is very difficult and something we've never done before. To keep the rock cores pristine on the journey to Earth, the rover hermetically seals them inside a specially designed sample tube. Once the samples are brought to Earth, scientists will be able to study them more closely with equipment that is too large to make the trip to Mars. In Tubular Tally, students use pi to determine the volume of a rock sample collected in a single tube.
Tubular Tally
The Perseverance Mars rover is designed to collect rock samples that will eventually be brought to Earth for further study. This would be the first time we've ever brought back samples from Mars! After scientists identify an interesting rock they would like the rover to collect, Perseverance uses a special coring bit to drill out a rock cylinder 13 mm in diameter. As the rover drills, the rock core moves into one of 38 available tubes that will store the rock sample – sealed until it is opened one day in a lab on Earth.
If the coring bit collects a rock cylinder 60 mm in length, what is the volume of the rock in the sample tube?
Join the conversation and share your Pi Day Challenge answers with @NASAJPL_Edu on social media using the hashtag #NASAPiDayChallenge
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Lesson Last Updated: Oct. 11, 2024