Third OPERA Workshop
The JPL-OPERA project is sponsored by NASA to construct analysis-ready remote sensing products in response to the needs of several federal agencies identified by the Satellite Needs Working Group. Through its Stakeholder Engagement Program, OPERA hosted a 6-hour (9am-3pm Pacific) hybrid workshop on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at the Beckman Institute Auditorium (400 S Wilson Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91106) on the Caltech campus. The objectives of the event were to:
- Introduce OPERA products (1) Sentinel-1-based Dynamic Surface Water eXtent (DSWx-S1) and (2) Sentinel-1-based Surface Displacement (DISP-S1)
- Provide validation updates for OPERA products (1) Sentinel-1-based Radiometric Terrain Corrected (RTC) SAR Backscatter and (2) Sentinel-1-based Coregistered Single-look Complex (CSLC)
In this third workshop, OPERA team members and product end-users presented updates of the project and on the two current operational products: (1) Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWx) and (2) Surface Disturbance (DIST). They also presented validation results and provided instructions on how to access RTC and CSLC products, along with development updates on the upcoming DSWx-S1 and DISP-S1 products. OPERA solicited user feedback from the community on improving forthcoming products. All OPERA products are available free to the public through NASA’s Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs).
There were two opportunities for agency managers and data users to ask questions and explore applications of these products:
- Poster sessions for in-person attendees during the breaks and at the end of the workshop
- Dedicated hybrid discussions at the end of the workshop
Participation was open to US federal agencies, contractors, and academic researchers funded by these agencies.
Workshop Flyer
The workshop flyer contains the workshop goals, agenda, and product descriptions.
Workshop Presentation Slides
The slides for the third workshop presentation are found at the link below.