CSLC Product Suite
The Coregistered Single-look Complex (CSLC) product consists of SLC images that are precisely aligned or “coregistered” to a pre-defined UTM/Polar stereographic map projection systems. The CSLC images contain both amplitude and phase information of the complex radar return. The amplitude is primarily determined by ground surface properties (e.g., terrain slope, surface roughness, and physical properties), and phase primarily represents the distance between the radar and ground targets corrected for the geometrical distance between the two based on the knowledge from Digital Elevation Model and platform’s position, i.e., the CSLC phase represents residual geometrical distance between the sensor and target, the atmospheric propagation delay and the target movements. The Level-2 CSLC product is derived from the Sentinel-1 radar observations and is provided in the Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5) file format. The CSLC product will be posted at 5x10 m spacing in east and north direction, respectively. The CSLC product also serves as the basis for the OPERA Displacement (DISP) product. The product will be accessible through the Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center (ASF DAAC).
Below we provide the CSLC product specification document, product samples that conform to the detailed specifications, and interactive guides for visualizing the data.
CSLC for Sentinel-1 (CSLC-S1)

CSLC-S1 Product Specification Document
This document describes the specifications of the OPERA Level-2 Coregistered Single-look Complex (CSLC) product that uses Sentinel-1 SLC products as the primary image-based input. Accordingly, this data product is referred to by the short name CSLC-S1.

CSLC-S1-STATIC Product Specification Document
This document describes the specifications of the OPERA Level-2 Coregistered Single-look Complex from Sentinel-1 (CSLC-S1) Static Layers (CSLC-S1-STATIC) product. The CSLC-S1-STATIC product provides radar geometry layers, such as local incidence angle, layover shadow mask, and line-of-sight unit vectors, that describe the Sentinel-1 acquisition geometry associated with the OPERA CSLC-S1 products with the same burst ID.

Interactive Guides

Visualization Guide
Refer to the following visualization guide, which illustrates how users can manipulate products in the open-source QGIS software.
Jupyter Notebook Tutorials
Guides below are written in Jupyter notebook environment outline and are intended to outline product introductions and showcase select applications.
- Earthquake Application
How to generate interferograms (without the need to download OPERA CSLC-S1 products locally). Example is for the Ridgecrest Earthquake, California, USA, from July 2019.
Earthquake Application
To contact us or give feedback: opera.sep@jpl.nasa.gov