Evros Vallis
Jet Propulsion Laboratory https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/ May 13, 2006
13 May 2006
This Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) image shows a small portion of Evros Vallis, an ancient valley located south of the large impact basin, Schiaparelli. In this image, the walls and floor of the valley, as well as the adjacent upland, are all mantled by dust. In addition to the dust mantle, large, windblown ripples occur in low-lying areas, particularly on the valley floor. The ripples, also, have been covered by dust.
Location near: 12.7°S, 346.7°W
Image width: ~3 km (~1.9 mi)
Illumination from: upper left
Season: Southern Autumn