Syrtis Plain
Jet Propulsion Laboratory July 12, 2006
12 July 2006
This Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) image shows terrain southwest of Meroe Patera in Syrtis Major Planum, Mars. Wind streaks formed in the lee -- i.e., the downwind side -- of impact craters are common throughout the scene, including the small impact crater near the center of the image with light-toned ejecta radiating outward from its rim. Near the bottom (south) of the image, three light-toned slope streaks, created by dry mass movements of dust, extend down the sloping side walls of two overlapping impact craters.
Location near: 5.3°N, 295.4°W
Image width: ~3 km (~1.9 mi)
Illumination from: lower left
Season: Northern Winter