Slice of History - JPL Work Informs Science Fiction Writings
Former JPLer Mari Graham is shown here posing in front of her typewriter for her showcase in the 1954 issue of Lab-Oratory. In addition to her job in Computing, Graham, under the pen name Mari Wolf, was a successful science fiction writer. At this point, she had six stories published in IF and conducted a monthly column reviewing amateur science fiction in Imagination. Graham was also active in the Pacific Rocket Society, an amateur group that conducted unclassified missile firings in the Mojave Desert. She received international publicity in connection with PRS activities, and she was profiled in issues of Look and Popular Mechanics.
Mari’s work at JPL informed her writings, as it does for so many JPLers today. Check out scientific works in the JPL Library in celebration of National Library Week! CL#25-0320
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