Slice of History - The JPL Annual Picnic
A long-held summer and fall tradition is the JPL Picnic. Picnics were planned by a JPL Picnic Committee and occurred every year for JPL staffers and their families. These images were taken of picnics from 1952 and 1954, showcasing some of the annual activities. Festivities included volleyball, pony rides for the kids, carnival games, demonstrations by various JPL sports clubs, speeches, door prizes, and so much more!
A 1952 issue of Lab-Oratory askes the all-important question: “Where can you get a well-cooked dinner consisting of all the barbecued beef and beans, fresh green salad, hot rolls and butter, coffee or milk, and pie – that you can eat – for only $1.40 per adult of 80 cents per child?” The JPL Picnic is always the answer! CL#21-2706
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