My interpretation for linking the biological with the astrological worlds in my art work, comes from the awareness and juncture of two concepts. First, here on our small planet there is tremendous bio-diversity; millions of species! Second, science, so far has discovered other planetary systems, much like our own. Therefore, if only one percent of these other earth-like planets houses a similar population of animals and plants, then it might be that the biological systems far out number the astrological. In other words, there is more "Life" in the universe than any-
thing else. Life forms, by their very nature take over and thrive in these astrological niches. Perhaps, the reason there are astrological systems in the first place is to allow for the development of the biological. Biology, in one form, or another permeates all universes. And, this is the crux of the concept in my art work called "Astrobio."