Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities
Individuals with disabilities requesting a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in federally conducted programs and activities at JPL should submit a written request to JPL's Office of Communications and Education.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Mail Code: 186-113
Attention: Public Services Office
The request should be received as soon as possible, but minimally, no later than two weeks in advance of when the accommodation is desired.
The request should outline the type of accommodation that would be needed, date (month, day and year) and time duration(beginning/arrival time and the ending/departure time), and any other pertinent information that would be helpful in evaluating the request.
The request should contain complete contact information on the individual requesting the accommodation (name, address, home phone and cell phone numbers, etc) or complete contact information of the person who is making the request on behalf of the individual or organization. If the request is coming from an organization, it should be submitted on the organization's letterhead.