The von Kármán Lecture Series: 2022

January 2022 - SWOT: Looking at the Earth’s Water
Earth is our home. SWOT will give us a better understanding of the world’s oceans and its terrestrial surface waters while showing why these resources are so important.

February 2022 - Roving with Perseverance: Findings from One Year on Mars
After a year on the planet, what can Perseverance teach us about Mars’ watery past and our potential future?

March 2022 - Moon Dance: Exploring the Moons of the Outer Solar System
We are the map makers, the orbit takers. By knowing where the small moons of our solar system are, we can plan our missions. This will be a practical story of why orbits are important when looking at solar dynamics, resonances, and moons of the outer solar system.

April 2022 - A Look at NASA’s Earth System Observatory
NASA is working on a new set of Earth-focused missions to provide key information to guide efforts related to climate change, natural hazard mitigation, fighting forest fires, and improving real-time agricultural processes.

May 2022 - NuStar - Studying the Universe in X-Ray
The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, is the first space telescope capable of taking focused high-energy X-ray observations of the cosmos, providing unprecedented information on the dynamics of black holes, exploding stars, and the most extreme active galaxies. Join us to learn how NuSTAR has expanded our knowledge of the universe after almost a decade of operation.

June 2022 - Spacecraft Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO)
What does it take to build a spacecraft? It’s up to the Spacecraft Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO) team to assemble it, bake it, shake it, get it to the pad and launch it.

July 2022 - Curiosity – A Decade on Mars
10 years and over 17 miles of driving has taught us there is more to Mars than we could ever imagine. We’ll take a look at highlights from the past decade of this extraordinary mission and see where it’s leading us next.

August 2022 - Voyager – 45 Years in Space
As the twin Voyager spacecraft approach their 45th anniversary, we take a look at where the mission has been, what they’ve taught us, and where they go from here. In this conversation with Suzanne Dodd, Voyager Project Manager, we’ll discuss how Voyager came to be, highlight some of the major discoveries, and hear stories about this mission that has captured the public’s attention for years.

September 2022 - Ocean Worlds Life Surveyor (OWLS)
The Ocean Worlds Life Surveyor (OWLS) is the first life detection suite to explore a wide range of size scales, from single molecules to microscopic organisms, in a water sample. OWLS is an integrated, portable, and autonomous life-detection instrument suite designed to identify and characterize life on ocean worlds. In this talk, we'll discuss why autonomy is important for this and future missions.

October 2022 - Near Earth Objects – Opportunities for Discoveries
Comets and asteroids offer clues to the chemical mixture from which the planets formed some 4.6 billion years ago. If we wish to know the composition of the primordial mixture from which the planets formed, then we must determine the chemical constituents of the leftover debris from this formation process - the comets and asteroids. In this talk, we'll discuss with how Near Earth Objects are opportunities for discovery.

November 2022 - What’s in a Name? How We Find, Name, and Investigate Exoplanets
We live in a golden age of discovery having confirmed over 5,000 Exoplanets. How do we find these worlds and what challenges do we face in the search for more? In this talk with Dr. Marie Ygouf, we'll take a look at the discovery process and what lies ahead for exoplanet discovery.