Straight-A students and science fair award-winners from Pasadena's Eliot Middle School will be honored at an awards banquet sponsored by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on Thursday, Dec. 7, 1989 at 6:30 p.m. at JPL's von Karman Auditorium.
The banquet will honor students who have maintained a 4.0 grade point average and those who have won awards in local, county and state-level science fair competitions.
Eliot Middle School is JPL's "adopted" school under NASA's Adopt-A-School program, which links individual schools with education resources at NASA installations. Administered by JPL's Public Education Office, the program encourages interaction between JPL scientists and engineers and the students and teachers of Eliot Middle School. Laboratory employees provide guidance to Eliot students participating in science fairs and join in the City of Pasadena's annual science fair.
The awards program will feature remarks by Dr. MacGregor Reid, technical executive assistant, JPL. Reid and Philipp D. Neuhauser, manager of JPL's Public Education Office will present the awards. Guest speakers will include Kandice Watson and Emily Ward, seniors at John Muir High School.
Program moderator Kimberly A. Lievense, who manages the Adopt-A-School program at JPL, will offer special recognition of individuals at JPL and Eliot who have participated in the program. Eliot Principal Delano Yarbrough will speak on behalf of the school.