JPL has "adopted" Altadena's Eliot Junior High School as part of NASA program to encourage an exchange of ideas, expertise, materials and human resources between JPL and Eliot's students and educators.
The Adopt-a-School program is cooperatively administered by the JPL Director's Advisory Council for Women and the Lab's Public Affairs Division.
Administrators and teachers will tour the Lab, review JPL and NASA educational materials, and meet with JPL staff on Saturday, April 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Adopt-A-School is conducted in accordance with guidelines proposed by NASA and the President's Proclamation "National Year of Partnerships in Education l983-84."
Classroom lectures will be conducted during the school year by JPL scientists and engineers. In addition, JPL scientists will serve as advisers to help students plan science projects.
JPL employees will also hold assemblies at the school throughout the year to explain NASA/JPL projects. Careers in the sciences and technical fields are emphasized.
Teachers and students are invited to JPL for special Laboratory programs, including career fairs, science seminars, workshops and lectures.
JPL educational resources, including audio/visual materials, exhibits, and spacecraft models, will be available for loan to Eliot teachers throughout the school year.
The Community Outreach Committee of the Director's Advisory Council for Women (ACW) has also developed special program for girls at the junior high school. The program is designed to help sustain the girls' early interest in science and math.
Among the events scheduled by the ACW for l984 are series of workshops to help Eliot Junior High School girls develop communications skills and self-confidence. Counseling for planning school curricula will also be offered.