NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., will welcome
members of the public to its Open House on Saturday, May 3,
and Sunday, May 4. Children will be able to participate in
many hands-on activities.
At this free, all-day event, visitors can watch 700-pound robots glide under artificial stars in JPL's Robodome, get an up-close view of full-scale models of Mars rovers, and learn how spacecraft are prepared for their journeys in special clean rooms.
They will see numerous solar system, robotics and Earth science exhibits and learn about various space missions, including the Mars Phoenix Lander, scheduled to land on the Red Planet on May 25. Visitors can also see how NASA instruments measure greenhouse gases, which will help scientists better understand global climate change.
JPL's Open House begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. on both days. JPL is located at 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Calif. Parking is free.
Please note that all vehicles entering NASA/JPL property are subject to inspection. Visitors should wear comfortable shoes -- no buses will be provided from JPL parking lots to the lab. JPL will provide vans for mobility-challenged guests.
Please note that the following items are banned from entering NASA/JPL property: weapons, explosives, incendiary devices, dangerous instruments, alcohol, illegal drugs, pets, all types of skates including skateboards, Segways and bicycles. No bags, backpacks or ice chests are allowed, except small purses and diaper bags.
More information on JPL's Open House is online at . Directions to JPL are at .
JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.
At this free, all-day event, visitors can watch 700-pound robots glide under artificial stars in JPL's Robodome, get an up-close view of full-scale models of Mars rovers, and learn how spacecraft are prepared for their journeys in special clean rooms.
They will see numerous solar system, robotics and Earth science exhibits and learn about various space missions, including the Mars Phoenix Lander, scheduled to land on the Red Planet on May 25. Visitors can also see how NASA instruments measure greenhouse gases, which will help scientists better understand global climate change.
JPL's Open House begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. on both days. JPL is located at 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Calif. Parking is free.
Please note that all vehicles entering NASA/JPL property are subject to inspection. Visitors should wear comfortable shoes -- no buses will be provided from JPL parking lots to the lab. JPL will provide vans for mobility-challenged guests.
Please note that the following items are banned from entering NASA/JPL property: weapons, explosives, incendiary devices, dangerous instruments, alcohol, illegal drugs, pets, all types of skates including skateboards, Segways and bicycles. No bags, backpacks or ice chests are allowed, except small purses and diaper bags.
More information on JPL's Open House is online at . Directions to JPL are at .
JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.