Illustrations and photographs that appear within this press kit. Click on each below for full resolution and details.

GRACE-FO Images and Illustrations

GRACE-FO Images and Illustrations


Sneak Peek of NASA's GRACE Twins (media briefing)

Sneak Peek of NASA's GRACE Twins

News Media reel

Media Reel

Airbus Tests GRACE-FO Antenna Boom

Airbus Tests GRACE-FO Antenna Boom

Antarctic Ice Loss 2002-2016

Antarctic Ice Loss 2002-2016

Cumulative Sea Level Change 2002-2015

Cumulative Sea Level Change 2002-2015

15 Years of GRACE Earth Observations

15 Years of GRACE Earth Observations

Ocean Bottom Pressure 2002-2012

Ocean Bottom Pressure 2002-2012

Antarctic Mass Change from GRACE – January 2004 - June 2014

Antarctic Mass Change from GRACE – January 2004 - June 2014

Amazon Basin Monthly GRACE Data

Amazon Basin Monthly GRACE Data

West Antarctic Collapse

West Antarctic Collapse

Scale in the Sky

Scale in the Sky

Global Terrestrial Water Storage Anomaly

Global Terrestrial Water Storage Anomaly

GRACE Mission Measures Global Ice Mass Changes

GRACE Mission Measures Global Ice Mass Changes

GRACE Sees Groundwater Losses Around the World

GRACE Sees Groundwater Losses Around the World

Build Commences on GRACE-FO Satellites

Build Commences on GRACE-FO Satellites

Laser Ranging Interferometer

Laser Ranging Interferometer