![NASA Discovery Programs](../../../assets/images/appendix/programs.png)
Previous Discovery Program Missions
Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR): 2/17/96, first spacecraft to orbit and land on an asteroid, entered orbit around asteroid Eros 2/14/00
Mars Pathfinder: 12/4/96, demonstrated a low-cost method of delivering a set of science instruments and the first rover to the surface of Mars, landed on Mars 7/4/97
Lunar Prospector: 1/6/98, enabled scientists to create detailed maps of the gravity, magnetic properties and chemical composition of the Moon's entire surface
Stardust: 2/7/99, collected interstellar dust and comet dust during a close encounter with comet Wild 2 and returned the particles to Earth on 1/15/06 for analysis
Genesis: 8/8/01, spent two years collecting atoms of solar wind before returning them to Earth on 9/8/04 for analysis
Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR): 7/3/02, intended to visit and study two comets, but contact lost 8/15/02
Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER): 8/3/04, first Mercury orbiter, examined Mercury from orbit from 3/18/11 to 4/30/15
Deep Impact: 1/12/05, propelled a projectile into comet Tempel 1 on 7/4/05, creating a crater and yielding information about the internal composition and structure of a comet.
Dawn: 9/27/07, orbited protoplanet Vesta and dwarf planet Ceres, largest bodies in the main asteroid belt, to study conditions and processes at the dawn of our solar system
Kepler: 3/6/09, used a unique telescope to find more than 1,000 planets around stars beyond our solar system, spacecraft repurposed as K2 mission in 2014
Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL): 9/10/11, put twin satellites into orbit around the Moon 12/31/11 to study the Moon's interior and its thermal history