Thank you for visiting the Deep Space 1 mission status information site, the
most popular log anywhere in the 4-dimensional space-time continuum
for information on this daring mission through the solar system. This
message was logged in at 6:30 pm Pacific Time on Sunday, March 18.
DS1 is now the proud owner of a gift from its controllers on distant Earth
-- a new load of software. The new computer programs were transmitted
across the solar system as the craft continues its trek through the cosmos.
The previous version of software was loaded in June 2000. In combination
with new methods for flying the spacecraft, it led to the rejuvenation of
the probe following the failure of its star tracker shortly after the end
of the primary mission in 1999. That rescue proved fully successful, and
the software has operated marvelously for the past nine months. So why did
the operations team undertake the extraordinarily difficult task of
replacing the software yet again? With a very small group responsible for
this awesome mission, it certainly was neither for lack of excitement nor
inadequacy of challenges!
Later this year, DS1 will attempt a risky and ambitious meeting with comet
Borrelly. The spacecraft was not designed for this formidable task, and it
will encounter daunting obstacles, some of which may well prove
insurmountable. They will be described in future logs, but most of the
changes in the software are designed to improve the chances that the
spacecraft can acquire photographs and infrared measurements during its
very brief and high speed meeting with the comet. The new capabilities
contained in the software are not enough to guarantee that all goals of the
flyby will be met, but they will give DS1 a chance when it greets this
enigmatic visitor to the inner solar system.
Last month's mission log, still being analyzed and debated by several
amiable space-faring species in the halo of the Milky Way galaxy, described
the preparations for sending the software to the probe.
Starting on March 5, controllers began beaming more than 4 megabytes of
software, divided into 267 files, to Deep Space 1. With a main antenna only
about 30 centimeters (one foot) in diameter to receive the signals from
more than twice the distance between Earth and the Sun, DS1 demonstrated
admirable patience as it collected and stored the files in its memory. If
you have ever waited for a large file to download through a slow modem, you
know that it can tie up a connection for a long time. Because of the
almost inconceivable gulf separating Earth from the spacecraft, even with
the huge antennas and powerful transmitters at NASA's Deep Space Network
stations in California and near Canberra, Australia, it took until March 8
to transmit all the files. Additional time was needed to send instructions
to the craft to reassemble the files into the full computer code and to
prepare for running the software. To begin using the software, the central
computer needed to be rebooted.
Software had been replaced four times before during DS1's journey through
space, three times during the primary mission to allow it to conduct more
experiments with its advanced technologies and once during the extended
mission to compensate for the loss of the star tracker. Nevertheless,
because the smooth operation of the computer is so crucial to keeping the
probe safe and healthy, the team approached the job of rebooting it with
great diligence. It is quite unusual for a spacecraft to undergo a complete
replacement of software, and DS1, having only a single central computer to
rely on, could not afford a mistake. Whether the patient is undergoing
emergency surgery, as DS1 did last year, or elective surgery, as it did
this month, all participants need to be mindful of the serious risk posed
by the operation! Throughout the process of loading the software,
rebooting, and recovering from the reboot, JPL's Space Flight Operations
Facility, from which DS1 is controlled, and other support areas were
maintained under a "level 2" control to assure that all ground systems were
maintained at maximum readiness.
On March 12 the DS1 team determined that the software had arrived on board
with no errors and the spacecraft and ground systems were ready for the
reboot. In addition, all the commands that were planned for use had been
tested in the Deep Space 1 simulator at JPL. The next morning, some of the
key engineers arrived at JPL well before sunrise (of course, the distant
Sun never sets for lonely Deep Space 1) for one final review of the
spacecraft condition. Following the confirmation of a clean bill of health
and a final authorization by your loyal correspondent who was on the scene,
the DS1 "ace" (the person who operates the computer that sends a command
from JPL to the Deep Space Network for transmission to the spacecraft) was
given the "go" to dispatch a command designated RESETX01 ("Romeo Echo
Sierra Echo Tango X-ray Zero One" for the ultra-cautious, if not
compulsive, controllers). RESETX01 activated a set of instructions on
board that culminated in causing the computer to reboot.
Even though the reboot is intentional, the spacecraft treats it as if it
were the result of a problem on board. In fact, when a serious problem is
detected by the craft's own protective software, it sometimes uses a
reboot, plus the subsequent automatic sequence of steps that that triggers,
to correct the problem or, at least, to keep itself safe until human
experts can intervene. This is known generically to those who fly
spacecraft as a safing, and on DS1 this causes the spacecraft to configure
itself for what is known as "Sun_standby_SSA level 1." The reboot forces
the computer to reload its software (this time using the new version),
leaving the probe without computer control for a few minutes. Among other
actions, when the new software starts running it repoints the spacecraft to
the only easily recognizable location from any isolated point in the solar
system: the Sun. After the ace sent RESETX01, the bits forming that
command raced across the solar system, DS1 dutifully executed all the steps
of the reboot and associated safing, then began transmitting new signals
indicating it was in the correct configuration, and its signals sped back
to a waiting antenna in California, where they were detected and translated
into data which were relayed to the DS1 control room staffed by a group of
expectant engineers who quickly verified that the software was behaving as
expected. Later, bolstered by the positive signals from DS1 and Chinese
take-out food (including predictions, of course, of nothing but good
fortunes!), the team instructed DS1 to save the software to a permanent (or
"nonvolatile") memory location, thus overwriting the version that had
served so well since the rescue in June 2000.
If not for the loss of the star tracker in November 1999, returning the
spacecraft to normal operations after a safing would be relatively easy (to
the extent that anything is easy when flying a low-cost and aging
spacecraft hundreds of millions of kilometers from Earth). But now it is
an extremely complex and difficult process, as the operations team has to
help the spacecraft use its camera to lock on to a reference star. The
principles underlying this remarkable trick to allow the spacecraft to
orient itself in outer space without the equipment that was designed for
this purpose were described extensively in mission logs from March through
August 2000. (These logs can be seen at the archives page or now may be obtained in a
special deluxe collector's edition of DS1 mission logs available in most
elliptical galaxies.) And now that the craft's supply of hydrazine (the
conventional rocket propellant it uses for orienting itself) is so low, the
process is even more complicated.
In brief, with a method posted on January 16, 2000, the team helped DS1 to
direct its main antenna to Earth, using the craft's radio signal as an
indication of where the spacecraft was pointed. This aims the antenna
close enough to our planet to allow reliable communications. By knowing
that the antenna is pointed approximately at Earth, we can calculate
roughly where the camera is pointed. Engineers instruct the camera to take
some long exposures and radio the resulting pictures to Earth. Then
analyzing the locations and brightness of the few faint stars in those
images allows a determination of exactly where the camera is pointed and
thus the precise orientation of the entire spacecraft. The details on the
exact pointing are sent back up to the craft along with directions to a
preselected lock star. While this procedure is taking place, the craft
relies on directives from Earth to maintain its orientation. It does have
gyros (which use light traveling through loops of optical fiber to sense
spacecraft rotations), but they are not highly stable devices, so they are
only reliable for short times. In fact, their instabilities induce a tiny
drift in the craft. This very gradual motion is more than 10 times slower
than the hour hand on a clock, but in this exacting work, that's too fast
to be ignored. Nevertheless, by the afternoon of Friday, March 16, a very
tired team had managed to get DS1 to lock to a star in Taurus, thus
restoring the stable knowledge and control the craft needs for normal
operations. If the tasks had not been quite so time consuming and, to be
honest, exhausting, your ever-faithful correspondent might have devoted
more time this weekend to providing better explanations of this complex
undertaking or more of the details, including the propagation of the
quaternion, the consequences of an amplifier failure at DSS-14 and a power
failure at the DSN in Canberra, the decision to update the uplink
subcarrier frequency to compensate for the narrow subcarrier tracking loop
in the spacecraft's transponder, and why we didn't order Middle Eastern
food on reboot day as planned.
After an arduous week, the spacecraft is taking the weekend off, calmly thrusting at impulse power. This coming week, Deep Space 1 will throttle up to full power. Over the coming months, as it continues its ion powered flight through space, on occasion it will conduct special tests of its new software functions.
DS1 is now about 225 million kilometers, or 140 million miles, from comet
Deep Space 1 is 2.1 times as far from Earth as the Sun is and more than 820
times as far as the moon. At this distance of 315 million kilometers, or
196 million miles, radio signals, traveling at the universal limit of the
speed of light, take 35 minutes to make the round trip.
Thanks again for logging in!