EO3 Education and Public Outreach
"Watching pollution."
Artist: Ian L., age 8 1/2.
GIFTS-IOMI, part of New Millennium Program's (NMP) Earth Observing
missions, has a very advanced new instrument that will test new
ways of observing Earth's atmosphere. To provide us with better
information about Earth's weather conditions the GIFTS instrument
will measure elements of the Earth's atmosphere: water vapor, wind,
temperature, and clouds. It will also measure the increasing trace
gases, or pollution, that surround our planet.
"Taking the atmosphere's temperature."
Artist: Gabriella C., age 8. |
In addition to the mission's primary objectives to space test new technology and measure elements of the atmosphere, it also has the important goal of providing information for education and public outreach (EPO). These EPO elements include programs for kindergarten through undergraduate and graduate education, under-represented and under-served groups, teacher professional development, and the general public.
"Measuring rain." Artist:
Robin B., age 10. |
EPO team major players are: