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Space Technology 5 works with the New Millennium Program and other technology programs to introduce a broader understanding of the benefits of space technology.

Space Place Animation

The Space Place currently hosts the following ST5 articles and activities:

  • "Getting in Touch With Your Inner Spacecraft" (classroom activity), describes the ST5 mission and teaches students the basics of space weather. It provides an outdoor, "kinesthetic" (bodies in motion) activity that is fun and adaptable for the primary through middle school grades.

  • "Launch a Frisbee into Orbit" (classroom activity), incorporates physics, math, and engineering design in a hands-on project to build a cardboard toy "Nanosat Launcher" that works very much like the real thing, ST5.

  • "Tidy Up Those Sloppy Force Fields" (classroom activity), introduces Earth's magnetic field and how spacecraft that carry instruments to measure natural magnetic fields must be themselves "magnetically clean" so as not to distort the measurements. Classroom demonstrations of how electric current flowing in a circuit (such as in spacecraft electronics) induces a magnetic field and the effect of some different approaches to "cleaning up" this magnetic field.

  • Make a Tortilla Spacecraft discusses the sources of energy for spacecraft and satellites, automobiles, and even people! Readers are encouraged to design a spacecraft built from tortillas or invent a new tortilla dish.

  • Batteries That Just Won't Die discusses the advantage of using lithium-ion batteries and how ST5 will be flight testing such batteries. Includes an interactive "calculator" demonstrating the longevity of these batteries.

  • Yelling Across the Solar Systemanimates and explains how spacecraft transmit images and data back to Earth.

  • Nanosat Flingman is a story about the three little ST5 satellites, plus a game.

Check this site often for additional ST5 outreach activities. Also check these related science links:


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   Webmaster: Diane K. Fisher
   JPL Official: Nancy J. Leon

   Last Updated:  01 / 04