Europa Clipper Multimedia Page
Curated selection of images and video of Europa Clipper and its target of study, Europa, from various NASA sources, including the libraries below
NASA Image and Video Library
Europa Clipper images and videos from a NASA-wide library
Planetary Photojournal
Europa Clipper images from the planetary image library managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Web Videos
Mission Overview
Short video explainer about how and why Europa Clipper will explore Jupiter’s icy moon
Science Overview
Overview of the unique science data Europa Clipper will collect, and the instruments it will use
NASA’s Europa Clipper Vault Plate Carries Special Design
Narrated video about the design of Europa Clipper’s vault plate and the special message it will carry into the cosmos
Europa Clipper Video Playlist
Comprehensive list of JPL videos highlighting the Europa Clipper mission
Spacecraft Makers Series Playlist
JPL series that goes behind the scenes, focusing on the assembly of the spacecraft
Behind the Spacecraft Series Playlist
List of all English and Spanish episodes in a series that showcases unique journeys of individuals on the mission
Animations and Raw Videos
Collection of Animations and B-roll for Media
Mission animations; b-roll of spacecraft assembly, testing, and shipping
Interactive Experiences
NASA Eyes on the Solar System
Track Europa Clipper’s journey from start to finish in this browser-based 3D simulation
Explore Europa and the Europa Clipper spacecraft in an augmented reality experience
Download the Press Kit