Natural Space Environments Tools
The Natural Space Environments (NSE) Tools (NSET) is a web application that integrates all environmental models and interaction tools developed and used by the NSE group. The objective is to provide user-friendly access and supporting documentation for the latest versions of our tools.
Radiation Environments
effects diagram

Transform input trajectories from planetary centered coordinates to magnetic coordinates.

Magnetic Field
effects diagram

Utilize empirical models of trapped radiation environments for estimating proton and electron fluxes and fluences along the trajectory.

Trapped Radiation
effects diagram

Utilize empirical models of trapped radiation environments for estimating proton and electron fluxes and fluences along the trajectory.

Solar Proton
Planetary Atmospheres

A collection of atmospheric composition, ionosphere composition and
pressure/temperature profiles for different planetary bodies.

Calculate composition and temperature based on altitude.

View atmospheres
effects diagram

Reference tools for estimating the effects of the radiation environments.

Example tools for calculating electric fields (NUMIT), non-ionizing energy loss (NIEL), and total ionizing dose (TID).

Run effects tools

Bibliography and Help section.

View references collection