Many people contribute to the success of the New Millennium Program with their dedication to the overall technology development and validation program or to the specific projects and missions of which they are part. A cross section of these individualsscientists, engineers, managers, academiciansare featured here. Check back often to view new profiles of these remarkable people.
Ardeshir Azarbarzin, Space Technology 5, Project Manager
Steve ChienSpace Technology 6, Lead ASE Technologist
Artur ChmielewskiSpace Technology 6, Project Manager and ISC Experiment Manager; Space Technology 8, Project Manager and Experiment Manager
Donya DouglasSpace Technology 5, Lead Thermal Engineer
- Charles Dunn, Space Technology 7, Lead Technologist
- Dwayne Eacret (ATK), Space Technology 8, Ultraflex
William FolknerSpace Technology 7, Lead Technologist (former)
Linda HerrellProgram Architect
- Jentung Ku (NASA GSFC), Space Technology 8, Thermal Loop Principal Investigator
Mike McEacheon (ATK)Space Technology 8 Sailmast Principal Investigator
Doug McLennanSpace Technology 5, Former Project Manager
Marc RaymanDeep Space 1, Project Manager
John Samson (Honeywell)Space Technology 8, Dependable Multiprocessor
Rob SherwoodSpace Technology 6, ASE Experiment Manager
James SlavinSpace Technology 5, Project Scientist
Chris StevensNMP Manager (retired)
John StockyNMP Manager
Stephen UngarEO1, Project Scientist
